Montag, 28. Dezember 2015

A lot of incoming letters! (Part III)

And the last post of my incoming letters for now. But don't be sad, I've a few other posts prepared so there won't be such a long hiatus again! Keep your eyes open :)

Let's start with a letter from my best friend Vanessa from Germany. This one reached me a day before we met in Ireland at the beginning of December, as she wanted me to get it just before our meeting :D It's a Christmas letter and when I opened it I had Christmas confetti all over my bed as I didn't expected that. She also included some Christmas stationary which I haven't used yet, but I'm totally prepared for next years Christmas letters now :D


This one came from Theresa from Germany. The paper is Harry Potter themed as she knows how much I love it! She also included tea, a Spanish Christmas card and a postcard from Spain. The quote on the leftern side is her favourite one and her nickname "hey_little_fighter" comes from that, I suppose :D



Here you can see the second letter I received from Betül from Germany. Just a few days before we actually got to meet each other for the first time. She wrote her first letter in English but now decided to start to write in German :D I always find it strange to write or talk in English with people who know German. Is this only me? I can only use English with people who doesn't know my language, haha.


This is the most recent letter I received while I'm preparing this post. Bree from America is just way too fast :D This time she finally included some of the pictures she took and I have to admit that she is a really good photographer :)


Most of the time the letters from Martine from The Netherlands are really special. This time she decided for a snail theme and included tons of snails :D This was so funny to look through and even harder to take a picture of as I only had little space. I'm not a huge fan of snails BUT her letter still was amazing, somehow!


The next pictures show some Christmas and birthday cards I got from my penpals. I won't write something for each of them separately. The one I like to highlight is the little birthday letter of Olivia though. Harry Potter themed. Isn't it lovely? I opened that when I was in Ireland as I've been there for my birthday and this was just amazing!
Thanks again to all the girls who thought about me either for Christmas or my birthday ♥

Caroline, Ireland
Emma, Scotland
Jariya, Iceland
Olivia, The Netherlands
Alieke, The Netherlands

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